Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Can't judge a book by its cover? Listen to a review!

Do you want to know if that book you're thinking of reading is worth the time you'll need to invest in it? One of the many things Library Materials Services does is to add URLS (a link you can open) to each bibliographic record that has a review.

The reviews can be audio or video and they are made by your fellow staff members, such as Joanne Pulcino, Donna Geesaman, Terri Clark, and others. Once the reviews are recorded, the web staff sends a list to LMS and we enter the information into the record for that title.

How to find these titles? Do some subject searches for Books with audio reviews, or Books with video reviews. There you'll see them divided by adult, child, and teen. Choose a title, and click on the underlined link to see or watch the review.


Anonymous said...

That is really cool Mary! Thanks for sharing. I've seen the little "Listen to a Review" link with some records but never realized you also added the subject heading to make them searchable.

Mary Dexter said...

Monica, in cataloging we love to add information to records to make them more accessible. You're absolutely right about the searchability - without that subject heading you'd be left with no choice but to accidentally come upon one of these in the catalog, which is how you probably found them. Thanks for noticing!

Anonymous said...

I've already demo-ed this feature to a patron!

Mary Dexter said...

Alright, Monica! Sharing the wealth (of knowledge, that is). Thank you, thank you!