Friday, April 18, 2008

Xpress for all!

A message from Amy Greenland:
Happy Friday all!
I have exciting news to report! Two of our April selections for Xpress Treatment for ALL branches have arrived in LMS and are in processing!! They will be rushed through processing today, to arrive to you on courier TOMORROW!!! The two titles are: Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner and The Third Angel by Alice Hoffman!

I regret that I have not yet made it to everyone’s staff meetings this month to bring you your “Xpress Coming Soon” kit, but I will bring your materials to KO & SM next week and will send them via courier to GL/KE/DA.

We also know Hold Tight, by Harlan Coben has been shipped from the vendor, and Sundays at Tiffanys, by James Patterson and The Whole Truth, by David Baldacci are in process with the vendor and should ship very soon.

Welcome to Xpress Everyone!!


Friday, April 11, 2008

LM agency labels

Have you seen that new branch label called LM? Who is that? It's Library Materials Services! Amy Greenland visited Douglas County and found them using their library support department as a branch on multiple copies of very popular books like the Grishams and the Pattersons. Why?

Well, all those multiple copies we order are going out to fill holds on the holds list. Once all the holds are filled, what branch is going to want 25 copies of a book everyone's read? Now, when the holds list is fulfilled, those copies will return to their owning branch - Library Materials Services - where their disposition will be determined. No extra weeding at the branches. Ingenious? We thought so too, and you will be seeing more of these every week. What do you think?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Genres, genres, genres!

As we move along in our updating of the music CD collection by genre, we're finding we had no idea there was so much Rhythm 'n Blues out there! It was an easy assumption to think most of those artists were either Rock or Pop, but with the new genre guidelines leading us to do more research, well .... Rhythm 'n Blues wins out! We do get our info from but occasionally we override their suggestions, especially if a patron (or staff member) lets us know they're wrong. So keep your input coming, and thank for you efforts in keeping our music collection fresh and new!